The Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office (SGMRO) is pleased to announce the publication of a Request for Information (RFI) on Research Opportunities and Operational Activities Related to the NIH Strategic Plan To Advance Research on the Health and Well-Being of Sexual & Gender Minorities (SGMs) Fiscal Years 2021-2025.
The goal of this RFI is to provide SGM-focused organizations, researchers, non-profits, and community members an opportunity to identify potential research opportunities and operational activities related to the NIH Strategic Plan to Advance Research on the Health and Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Minorities fiscal years (FY) 2021 – 2025 and the overarching mission of agency.
SGMRO invites feedback from stakeholders throughout the scientific research community, clinical practice communities, patient and family advocates, scientific or professional organizations, federal partners, internal NIH stakeholders, and other interested constituents.
Public comments must be received by email at SGMRO@nih.gov. Please include “Request for Information” in the subject line. Comments must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. ET December 3, 2021, to ensure consideration.
To learn more, click here to see the full Federal Register Notice (FRN).