One Less Worry – Implementing the HPV Vaccine for All

04 MARCH 2022

HPV is the human papillomavirus. Almost all of us will have HPV at some point and while for most of us it isn’t harmful, HPV is linked to several kinds of cancer. Educating ourselves and others about HPV and cancer is the first step to reducing our risk. Find out more about what HPV is, how you get it and why it matters. And then take a look at the the public information resources available to help spread the word.

On March 4th at 4pm CET, Join this incredible panel of global clinicians, policy makers and patient advocates as they share expertise and strategies to accelerate access to HPV vaccination and help eliminate HPV related cancer. Register here 

Learn the facts. Spread the word. Get involved. #OneLessWorry #AskAboutHPV