FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT: Implementation Science for Cancer Control in People Living with HIV in Low and Middle Income Countries

The purpose of this National Institutes of Health Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support Implementation Science for Cancer Control in People Living with HIV (PLWH) in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) to accelerate the integration of evidence-based cancer control interventions for PLWH by leveraging existing HIV treatment and prevention infrastructure. Specifically, this FOA solicits applications that will identify, understand, and develop strategies to address barriers to the adoption, integration, and sustainability of evidence-based cancer control interventions among PLWH in LMICs and generate data in LMICs that can inform effective and equitable implementation of evidence-based cancer control for PLWH worldwide. Responsive applications should include multi-disciplinary teams of researchers with expertise in HIV, cancer, and implementation science to address the cancer control needs of PLWH populations specific to the proposed LMIC context.

Applications are due: December 15, 2021!

U01 Research Project-